Flywheel Lab
Flywheel Lab
Creative problem solving is the driving force beneath technology, and it is the key to your success.

Flywheel Lab

Simple, effective solutions for small businesses and large organizations.


What we do

We work with talented designers, programmers, and fabricators to achieve your design goals. We specialize in Interactive, Artistic, Health and Wellness, Medical, and Aerospace applications. 

We are an adaptable design group located in New York City.




Our mission is to help you get the most out of your designs. From short-term consulting on your interactive art installation to working the kinks out of your extra-planetary robot.

We work to maintain the integrity of your vision throughout the process.

Established by Joel Murphy in Brooklyn in 2006, Flywheel grew out of years of creative practice built on a foundation of mechanical engineering and physical computing. Creative problem solving is the driving force beneath technology, and it is the key to our success. 
